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-2 stars for failure to include necessary "NSFW". Then again, what part of gay wrestling did I really think was going to be safe for work?
You read the description and the title.... what were you expecting?
NSFW videos are against the rules whether they're marked or not. S'excuse s'accuse.
The word gay appears twice. 2 shirtless dudes ready to tussle. O_o What let you to believe it was SFW?
Also the tags failed.
"scared straight"
This is art.
Yeah this is pretty weird
Now wait a second, there have been weird wrestling videos here before, just because they're gay it's not safe for work? What the hell is... oh... oh... OH... NSFW.
This isn't even close to being "enka," but the rest of the description seems legit. Yeeeesh.
it is too enka! this is the guy who sings it.ō_Kitajima