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That's the sort of expression you'd expect to see if the guy hadn't washed his feet for a few months.
The victory dance does it for me.
That's not how you teabag your vanquished opponent, you're supposed to stand over them, not around them!
And you wonder why no one wants to play TF2 with you :D
i smell brain damage
I think a dislocated jaw from that first punch
That guy has the power to create zombies with just a simple kick to the face.
Looks as though the punch did the job. The kick just reasserted the point.
Insta-Jerry Lewis
If the wind changes your face will stick like that
kick to the nuts, kick to the nuts, kick to the nuts, punch to the face, kick to the face zombie
Victory dance.
That was cheap. The winner just knows the code: down,down,left,left, up.
It's a good thing they stopped the fight before that guy got his balls kicked into outer space.
I dunno, that way his testes could join his brain in orbit.
He got beaten retarded. He probably talks like Brak now.
Quick, kick it again!