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Comment count is 13
themilkshark - 2009-07-11

I normally would prefer to have more friends who watch wrestling, but after watching this I'm thankful I don't.

twinkieafternoon - 2009-07-11

My friends and I go to blast points like bars or restaurants that show the wwe ppvs, and we have good times. We don't secretly hate each other like these people.


garcet71283 - 2009-07-11


Shirtless fat guy disappoints...not so much fat as simply doughy. From white-trash I would expect fatter...especially considering the caliber of women in this video.

kingofthenothing - 2009-07-11

Shirtless guy's got an appendectomy scar. That should bump things up a little.

This reminded me of something I heard just tonight: "Behind every big woman is a scared man."

LeMoyne IV - 2009-07-11

Witness the Downfall of America

in any case, i'm not watching 9 minutes of this.

Toenails - 2009-07-11

Holy shit, I saw that was a neck-beard in the pre-load image.

Toenails - 2009-07-11


Freeman Gordon - 2009-07-11

The benefits of the internet are plenty.

socialist_hentai - 2009-07-11


phalsebob - 2009-07-11

The South shall rise again... but she needs all four limbs to do it. Uhhhnnn.

DMKA - 2009-07-11

I can't stop laughing.

Riskbreaker - 2009-07-11

Are they watching the tv, or being shot by invisible hunters? Their squeals are hard to understand.

Rudy - 2009-07-11


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