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Missing a star since I've seen better crippledancers, and because I cannot for the life of me place where that sample he's dancing to came from.
I don't get this new "stationary dancing" the kids are doing. P.S. That's a girl, duder.
crippledancers should be a new tag
I think its Chris shepard or love inc or some other such horrible 90's thing
Sigh. Am I the only one lame enough to know that the song is "Better Off Alone" by Alice Deejay? I'm gonna go sulk in the corner now...
pretty sure its the wiz khalifa version
I dunno man. I was expecting something more. Maybe some jump ramps or fireworks.
I keep thinking of Crazy Legs from Don't Be a Menace
Haha 5 stars for making me think of crazy legs. Also regarding the tags, it's do rag, as in "hairdo" not as in "mountain dew."
Vaguely cute, vaguely embarrassing, vaguely sad. One star for each.
ooh check out those fancy wheel moves
Wait -- indie rocker?
Ehh, she's no lazy legz
i accepted the content i just watched