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it was best the last time.
Birds have a lot of feathers
Vader has used the force to transform baseball into cricket.
damn, I fail at reading comprehension.
Johnson: I have decided to test this pitch's destructive power on your precious dove. Batter: No! doves are peaceful, they have no weapons you can't possibly---- :::kabooom:::
I would be surprised if even a single feather remained.
That wasn't even his fastball, that was his slider
As the catcher steps away in horror.
That's because feathers were the only part of the bird not thrusted towards his face.
DOOOOP :( So many dupes lately. We need better dupe detection.
This clip is old as dirt, but watching it this time, I ponder the possibilities as baseball pitching being a valid form of small game hunting. Bet you Nolan Ryan could pick squirrels off all day.
Nolan Ryan could pull a tick from your inner thigh from 90 feet. You wouldn't even know it happened.
Well, that's what he told me he was doing.
This is exactly like alderaan somehow
A million, uh, feathers, cried out... no I don't get it.
Yay birds getting destroyed in midair by manmade objects week