Albuquerque Halsey - 2009-05-25
garcet71283 - 2009-05-25
This is why this was the greatest Star Trek show.
Xenocide - 2009-05-25 Death to the opposition!
Dinkin Flicka - 2009-05-25 I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not but you're right anyway.
HankFinch - 2009-05-25
"Yeah, ok I gotta plane to catch wattayougot?... BASEBALL?!?... yeah ok what the fuck... yeah, I said ok, I gotta go."
SteamPoweredKleenex - 2009-05-25
"Deep Space 9" needed several things:
1. An actual head writer.
2. Less to no holodeck.
3. To stick with the original political intrigues and the ones that developed with Garrack.
4. To quit aping Babylon-5 at every opportunity when they weren't aping popular films opening at the same time (i.e. Bashir's sudden interest in spies when "Goldeneye" was hitting theaters).
And "Voyager" should have been aborted in the womb.
Comeuppance - 2009-05-25 Really, they should have stopped after TNG. Voyager, Enterprise, and DS9 were all almost unwatchable by comparison.
Voyager, at least, had decent characters. Every single character in DS9 is detestable.
Except for Worf.
Hooker - 2009-05-25 On the contrary, good sirs! ALL Star Trek is, in fact, garbage. The original series is the only good type of garbage, however.
Meerkat - 2009-05-25 Two Words:
Meerkat - 2009-05-25 Two More Words:
SteamPoweredKleenex - 2009-05-25 ***It's writing was in fact more coherent than any of the other shows,"
That would be "tallest midget in the circus" territory...
***...seeing it had a series-spanning continuity besides an annual fucking Borg visit, or Q saying, "The next 7 seasons is a test and I'll show up 4 more times to remind you of that, Picard."
Q did show up. And they abandoned one decent idea (the Bajorans vs. the Cardassians, which was shaping up to be a nifty Israel vs. Palestine metaphor) for one they took from B-5 (substituting "The Dominion" for "The Shadows"). They only got an actual god-damn continuity when they knew the series was ending and started doing a friggin' week-to-week arc.
Apart from that, there's the painful episodes involving Risa, the Dark Star Trek Universe, the tacked-on Maquis, etc.
***Less to no holodeck? This is a subjective opinion;
Other than the movie aping I mentioned, Holodecks (even on DS-9) were too dangerous to be used for recreation. How many eps had the "safety protocols" off and the whole ship/station/whatever in danger from the 24th century version of an XBox?
Bort - 2009-05-25 The Julian / Aging episode was a Garak episode, which is a roundabout way of saying it was a good episode.
"Let He Who Is Without Sin ..." didn't piss me off the way the baseball one did, though I have to admit, they are both episodes I don't care ever to watch again. The baseball episode bothered me in particular because everything -- EVERYTHING -- was wrong about it, from Sisko obsessing about a Vulcan, to then entire senior staff abandoning their duties for a week in the middle of a war. Worf turning fundamentalist was at least in line with his character as we'd always seen it.
Bort - 2009-10-05 And what's this "substituting 'The Dominion' for 'The Shadows'" business? The two had nothing in common, except for the fact that they were threats to our heroes. The Dominion were the great empire on the other side of the wormhole (which the Federation never had any reason to know about until wormhole), while the Shadows were a menace that had been periodically plaguing intelligent life since the dawn of time and they were starting yet another onslaught. And the Dominion first turned up in DS9 scripts before the first episode of B5 even aired, so the DS9 guys probably knew from day one that, by the end of the series, there would be a war with the Dominion.
Imagine that: if you're writing a series about a wormhole to the other side of the galaxy, you might want to insert some new races and empires to come into conflict with. It doesn't take a super-genius of JMS's caliber to figure that out.
dancingshadow - 2009-05-25
Worf's signature at 7:40, oh Worf.
Screwtape - 2009-05-25
If you fail to touch home and leave the baseline, let alone the field, you're out anyway.
Camonk - 2009-05-25
There's only ever been one kind of good episode of anything Star Trek, and that's this one episode of TNG that I saw while extremely high, but it had a lot to do with linguistics. Darmok or something. It is an okay episode, though the universal translators are still incredibly ridiculous.
Cube - 2009-05-25 Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra!*
* Spelling from Wikipedia(r)
SteamPoweredKleenex - 2009-05-25 My personal theory is that the writers were making fun of nerds (specifically, Star Trek fans). I mean, if you listen to two geeks talk about Star Trek, it's often just a barrage of favorite quotes or six-word episode summaries:
"Picard and Q at Farpoint."
"Yesterday's Enterprise."
"Nuclear wessels!"
*nerd giggling*
RockBolt - 2009-05-25
What the fuck
Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-05-26
This episode bored me to tears, along with the episode where Sisko is just some black dude in the 50s crying over racism. When they stuck to the main plot of spies and betrayals and war and other kick ass shit, this show was pretty decent.
Voyager had a lot of promise but like Xenocide said, lacked character. Cardboard cuttouts would have been more emotive. Especially Chakotay, who was one of the most boring characters in TV history, along with Generic Asian Dude and Black Vulcan Who Always Vulcaned, Annoying Alien Waiter, and Buffy the Borg Slayer.
SteamPoweredKleenex - 2009-05-26 What was worse was what they did to Tom Paris. Initially, they were going to have the actor reprise his TNG role where he and Wesley Crusher got a fellow cadet killed doing some spaceflight hotdogging maneuver. That was why he was in prison, initially. I can't recall the bullshit reason they gave for changing it.
But that didn't matter for very long, as the premise for their being stranded was incredibly stupid, as was the decision to basically make Voyager an episodic show (where you could, for the most part, watch them out of order and not miss anything) rather than one with a planned arc where characters died or came on board, where the ship changed over time, etc.
The Mothership - 2012-05-04
Find him and kill him!
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