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Comment count is 10
lokibolp - 2009-05-22

Jose Canseco?

hornung - 2009-05-22

and ozzie canseco too!

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-05-22

God Damn It, Doppelgänger!

memedumpster - 2009-05-22

Say hello to Queen Dopplepopolis!

Wait, weren't those guys in a truck driver movie? I seem to remember the hair.

SDAusmus - 2009-05-22

The Barbarian Brothers!

Wonko the Sane - 2009-05-22


TeenerTot - 2009-05-22


DanVamme - 2009-05-22

Adaptation 2

Old_Zircon - 2015-04-20

Man, I'm still sad I never bumped into these guys while they were living around here, pretty much everyone I know was running into them at the grocery store all the time for a couple of years before Peter moved up to Vermont or New Hampshire or wherever he went.

Old_Zircon - 2015-07-02

I came in here to say this but I guess it's already been said. Sometimes it seems like I'm the only person I know who hasn't met the Barbarian Brothers.

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