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Comment count is 12
Sodomite - 2009-05-16

I can picture Jesse Ventura sitting in the cabin, chewing tobacco, and getting geared up to Little Richard whilst adjusting his bloodlust-hardon.

The Mothership - 2009-05-16

Pretty cool, even if the ending was not at all a surprise.
Also, needs a Libya tag.

Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2009-05-16

Considering there's a video of one of these having its wings fall off in flight, I'm getting the impression these things either didn't age well or were made from flattened out Coke cans.

Ursa_minor - 2009-05-16

Neither, they are damn near indestructible. No joke - regardless of the two videos that show failures - you have to take into account the amount of work they see where nothing goes wrong.

Ursa_minor - 2009-05-16

Also, this failure might have something to do with the TWENTY ROCKETS ATTACHED TO IT.

haole - 2009-05-16

without question, this requires philip glass' sonic handiwork

MrBuddy - 2009-05-16

I kept expecting a bunch of guys with really deep voices to really slowly chant "koyanisquatzi". Well... that's what I was hearing in my head anyway.

RockBolt - 2009-05-17

JATO tag

Killer Joe - 2009-05-17

Needs more rockets.

chumbucket - 2009-05-20

sadly, pilot error

Meatsack Jones - 2010-07-18

This was built specifically for a second attempt at the rescue of hostages in Iran during the late 70's. The plan was to land the 130, with rescue teams on board, in a 350 yard long soccer stadium.

As you can see, the first landing works. However, on the second approach, the pilots fired the forward JABRs while still airborne, causing the aircraft to lose all lift, and crash over 30' to the runway.

Needless to say, they scrapped the project, and the hostages were released less than a year later.

Caminante Nocturno - 2012-04-10

It's the first boss from Metal Slug 2.

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