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Heiroglyphic dog.
Inline dog.
I hate dogs.
What's it like having no soul?
is that an alien planet/expedition reference? if so,
Like a pogo stick!
seems more like a key grip to me.
One more leg, and a trampoline!
awwww... socute first signs of doggie-arthritis his owners will have to mercy kill him.
If Dom was a girl, I would have changed her name to Eileen. Rimshot!
I'd hope that if you were Japanese, you'd have named her Irene.
Hopefully that thing is neutered because it's going to have a hell of a time holding on to a butt (or a leg).
More cute than should be legal.
Add the 'bipedal' tag, please.
I bet the vet bill cost an arm and a leg
Not really, amputations are actually alot cheaper than... Wait. Ohhhhhh.
"Dominic was born with four legs, but an auto accident took two of the away." He flipped his miata in a ditch.
It blows my mind that they are on the same side.