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happy birthday slagathor!
Hey, guys! Here's a movie that speaks to our generation's culture! FINALLY!
Did you miss Jotaro at 0:51?
Didn't this movie have The Red Hot Chili Peppers in it?
As mentioned in 1:01.
Yes..when they were good.
Didn't this movie have Animotion in it?
Animotion still gets together like once a year and plays here in Portland.
I've never seen this movie, but the trailer seems to encapsulate the experience pretty well.
I'm betting the sports-training montage scene is killer.
Ha love the Devo song at the beginning! Every body's / looking for a good thing...
Red Hot Chili Peppers? Really, in 1986? Cool.
Better than BMX Bandits and Gleaming the Cube.
Hungarian for fast car
It's no The Search for Animal Chin.