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Fuck you 90's
skate break
Hello new ringtone!
Least convincing black man ever.
Blackpraune at 0:57
YES YES YES. I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking that!
Not the Rollerblade I was thinking of.
"It moves when you move" I assume that before blade gear this man only wore inch-thick steel clothing that was bolted to the floor via a system of girders.
Still to this day when I buy shop for new clothes I ask myself, "Is this cool, funky, and hip?"
An unholy alliance of the 80s and 90s is coming to wreck your shit. Thanks EIT.
That's some dangerous shit they're doing on sidewalks. Where are all the pedestrians in this barren dystopia of 90's marketing myth?
Turn on generic ska and bring me my yellow knee/elbow pads!
"Hey, could you guys stop talking about Rollerblading??" "WHY? ARE YOU AFRAID YOU'RE MISSING OUT ON SOMETHING??" "...YES!!..."
Everything is horrible. UBULULUBULUBULAHHHH~!
the early 90's: like the 80's, but somehow more retarded in every conceivable way
Yes, but are any of your products hypercolor?
This makes me want to rollerblade.