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5 stars for the preview pic alone!
Ragdoll child!
The child is thinking: "Just be calm and the she-Hulk will leave me alone. NO! It's tasting me! I will be eaten! Wait, the laughing makes it go away... Ack! Don't come back! I must laugh more to rid myself of this assailant!"
That's a hella lot of words without anything funny in them at all. You're better when you're explosively caring that a thing is fake.
Just once can we not fight and have a nice dinner as a family!
stars for Aelric
Man you kind of suck, you know?
This is why we can't have nice things!
her big man shorts, and 5 for the fun the kid was having
Those pushups are well above parallel. Get to work, lard-ass.
"What's correct for a woman is to have correct form on her knees". Five.
From god's own mouth
That's a baby? When I was that age I was already working in a salt mine.
You're doing it wrong, child molester.
One star for each time I came.