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Desc:Jane Russell sings in a room full of TOTALLY straight Olympic atheletes doing a normal workout
Category:Classic Movies, Sports
Tags:musical number, Jane Russell, olympic athletes, flesh colored shorts
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Comment count is 8
happy_ending - 2009-04-25

They leap like gazelles.

Also, their flesh colored shorts were an interesting choice.

El Zapatista - 2009-04-25

I was confused, just at first, as to why they would all be wearing think black garters so high up on their thighs.

dementomstie - 2009-04-25

yeah, I don't get the choice of color on the shorts myself. It's the oddest side story in the movie in my opinion.
For those that haven't seen it, Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell get on a boat to look for wealthy bachelors to woo. Jane wants to flirt with the entire Olympic Mens Gymnastics Team who are not allowed to date while training.
Yeah, that's the reason they're not interested in the incredibly hot chick who's singing during their training. Sure it is.

mouser - 2009-04-25

All these gay men are there for love.

godot - 2009-04-25

Perhaps I haven't shared this secret before, but I also like red corpuscles.

Lauritz Melchior - 2009-04-25

I really don't think that the "classic sexy" tag is appropriate for this particular video.

dementomstie - 2009-04-26

I figured that way you could find the other Jane Russell clip, but then again, you can use the "Jane Russell" tag for that I guess.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-05-16

A truly great moment in straight cinematic history.

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