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Comment count is 9
Walker - 2009-04-18

Yeah, the music is weak, and some of the stunts are fairly lame, but the POV is fun.

And by "fun" I mean "motion-sickness".

Blolf Witzer - 2009-04-18

Ugh, the song ruins it for me.

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-04-18

Diaper stunt at the end.

garcet71283 - 2009-04-18

You think he could have found a better place than Gasworks Park.

Prickly Pete - 2009-04-18

Blech. Interesting idea but as far as I can tell it would be impossible to get these shots and make them actually look decent. Shakey shakey...

fluffy - 2009-04-18

Well, it really isn't any more shaky than the video game.

RockBolt - 2009-04-18

Do you think your own eyeballs would be any more steady doing this?

Johnny Roastbeef - 2009-04-18

It's almost more impressive to me once it becomes clear that it's not a helmet cam, but a handheld camera that he's just holding as he runs.

halon - 2009-04-19


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