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And please consider not blocking ads here. They help pay for the server. Pennies at a time. Literally.
For the love of god people, let's all pitch in and buy one of these for Masaokis. Please!?
I'd throw ten bucks at that. Can someone reputable set up a paypal account or something? Let's do this. We could mail it "From: Anonymous."
As I said before, these will no longer get five stars until he blends one of: 1) A Blend Tec Blender 2) A Human Being 3) Like Beckham
^ +5
I was initially all smirky and jaded, but seeing that ski basically liquefied... well, all my old enthusiasm came back. Five stars!
We have one of these in my workplace's break room. It is FEARSOME.
Well, it certainly makes cleaning out the garage much simpler.
The little thing at the end made me giggle. I can't believe they're still doing these. I can't believe I'm still watching them!
5 just for the part at the end, another mystery 5 stars because this hasn't gotten old.
You can see at 1:12 that they removed the steel edges. I mean you'd do that to blend skis, but they should have mentioned it for the sake of honesty in advertising.