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Comment count is 5
13.5 - 2009-03-29

Would appreciate a "point of no return" tag, but I'll take it.

baleen - 2009-03-29

I wrote Tura Satana a while ago asking her about her book. I want to read it so bad. She told me it's going to be released "soon."
This woman was gang raped by men when she was 16 years old in a secluded road outside a military base. She learned martial arts, and over the next decade tracked them all down and allegedly KILLED THEM. Even if it isn't true, I love that she tells everybody this.

kingarthur - 2009-03-30

I had two cats once, one named Tura and the other named Satana. I considered it an honor to name them thus.

Robert DeNegro - 2009-03-29

Yeah, but can she cook and make babies?

Avengingatheist - 2009-03-30

Nice ending

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