Hooker - 2009-03-24
It really is one of the best characters the WWF ever introduced.
1394 - 2009-03-24
By and far my favorite 'rassler as a kid.
mr666 - 2009-03-24 Mine too. It's a shame about Scott Hall's personal life in recent years, though.
Toenails - 2009-03-24 Au contraire, Scott Hall's massive drinking problem was probably the best gimmick in wrestling ever. I still fondly remember those last days of the WCW, when Hall's shtick was to come to the ring, drink, puke, drink, get disqualified, puke again, drink, and then leave the ring (to likely drink somewhere else).
Imagine how much more amazing that is when you find out it really wasn't a shtick after all.
Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2009-03-24
imairlax - 2009-03-25
elBoogNish - 2009-03-25
I'm getting the feeling that he isn't REALLY a latino...meeeng.
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