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This has to not be real.
Who wants a body massage, indeed!
Hmm, I see that DOGegory has some competition from DOGetory. Which one will win?!
I have to say I would put many hours into fixing tags if Chet ever promoted me. I'd be downright autistic about it.
Oh god same here, I think I have the OC disorder when it comes to tags
what do either of those words even mean?
DOGetory sounds like what happens to all those dogs who don't go to heaven.
I'd prefer if we used "DOGma", but alas I'm quite sure I've missed that train.
xiphias, you're going to feel really silly, and maybe a little angry, when it hits you. i offer my apologies in advance.
To channel my father: "I DON'T GIVE A DAMN WHAT THEY DO IN NEW YORK."
teh rookie had a small dog lol...
Crotch shot followed by "Uncle Norman's Pet Sponge"... I think the video producer is using this job as some sort of home-brew therapy