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Comment count is 12
IrishWhiskey - 2009-02-04

You know, that looks like it misses him by a wide margin.

I call deceptive advertising.

GoodAaron - 2009-02-04

Perhaps. When I viewed it in passing the first time, I chalked it up to the low quality of the video feed.

Meerkat - 2009-02-04

If you get hit in the head with a baseball you are not going to turn and follow it. You are going to grab your head and go OW WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS BIG WHITE POOF ON MY SCOTTISH TAM ARRRR WHAR BE THE HAGGIS LADDIE

Frank Rizzo - 2009-02-04

"improbable physics"? Do you not believe in classical mechanics?

Chinballs - 2009-02-05

No but I believe in "Classical Gas".

Frank Rizzo - 2009-02-05

then Mason Williams would be proud

dichotic1 - 2009-02-04

hit the guardrail.

tenten - 2009-02-04

This is from one of those clip shows that thinks sound effects and voice dubs are necessary to make the the clip funny. It only serves to bring attention to the dubbing and the clip loses whatever real humor or uniqueness it may have had. Plus it really pisses me off to no end. 5 stars.

Comatose2 - 2009-02-04

Hit a home run. Then put a donk on it.

La Loco - 2009-02-05

HA HA HA HA HA. That's gonna leave a mark. HA HA HA HA HA. One star.

Fecund - 2009-02-05

The ball didn't hit him at all.

Prickly Pete - 2009-02-05

You can tell it missed him by his reaction. His reaction being remaining conscious.

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