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Comment count is 15
RockBolt - 2006-07-25

This mission is gonna suck in GTA4

yoyo1 - 2006-07-25

Good find.

Gamara II - 2006-07-25

dear lord

Gurlugon - 2006-07-25

Reminds me of Strange Days

underaneonhalo - 2006-07-26

That was intense.

enjoy - 2006-07-27

Excellent find!!

bopeton - 2006-07-31

Heart-pounding, but I would've at least worn a helmet

Derrida - 2006-12-31

I didn't think people actually did this.

zatojones - 2007-02-12

Fun until one of these assholes scratches your car and takes off or runs over your girlfriend. RAD!

Camonk - 2007-07-29

Maybe, but this is way more fun and less preachy than a Critical Mass video.

jmags - 2008-01-05

Fuck you, your car, and your ugly fucking girlfriend.

longwinded - 2007-04-05

old but good

RandomFerret - 2008-01-03

-5 because none of those assholes wiped out, +10 because goddamn that was fun to watch.

Gwago - 2008-03-31

Man those are some tight spots. How the hell did he get through 3:57??

Vicious - 2008-05-11

That's one fast front-end loader.

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