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Comment count is 7
Frank Rizzo - 2009-01-17

that was just sad.

first wrestler gave up out of frustration, the second attempted to help jake the snake save face by starting a fresh match and jake didnt do shit.


GoodAaron - 2009-01-17

It's pretty much like watching advanced "behind-the-scenes" documentary footage that was used as material for Arronofsky's "The Wrestler".

Louis Armstrong - 2009-01-17

Holy Shit!, how the mighty have fallen.
Guess time does this kind of thing

sosage - 2009-01-17

According to Wikipedia, this event happened just after relapsing (the WWF/WWE/whatever the fuck it is called now, sponsored his rehab).

DMKA - 2009-01-17


themilkshark - 2009-01-17

It's a beautiful, glorious thing. Pro wrestling is true American folklore.

CornOnTheCabre - 2009-08-16


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