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Comment count is 9
Simian Pride - 2008-12-21

I never got the GameTrailers version to load. Submitted Google Video version as replacement.

Cube - 2008-12-21

Looks craptastic!

Dr. Lobotomy - 2008-12-21

These things are only watchable as tool assisted speed-runs. I don't want to watch some idiot die over and over while repeating all the same pointless steps again and again.

You can't hit that first block, ever, give it up already...

Tuan Jim - 2008-12-21

boring to watch. I can't believe there is fifty minutes of this.

dreamvigile - 2008-12-21

"This is 1 of 4 clips" How the fuck did garbage this pass the hopper?

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-12-21


pastorofmuppets - 2008-12-22

The flagpole firing a laser right at the end of level one made me chuckle.

pastorofmuppets - 2008-12-22

And the pipe firing him backwards, the extra flagpole...this is funny in that "it's 2am and I'm easily suprised" kinda way. Also, some of those traps require difficult timing to get through. Despite the crappy looks, someone put a lot of work into this. Someone truly insane.

Chip - 2008-12-22

A highlight reel (5 minutes MAX) and a link to download the game would work far, far better. I'm not watching this.

These stars are only here because I kind of do want to play the game now.

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