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Comment count is 15
chairsforcheap - 2008-12-16

there is nothing in this video that isn't worth 5

buttnutt - 2008-12-16

The narration really makes this.

puddin p - 2008-12-16

He MOPPED the floor with you! You can use that in your act louis

Monchiles Monchiles - 2008-12-16

That's a fairly mild Spongebob costume. It's barely more than a spongebob t-shirt.

Camonk - 2008-12-16

Well I mean he's boxing in it. Yeah it would've been better if he'd gone like all out but I guess it seems like it's just asking too much.

citrusmirakel - 2008-12-16

I don't think that's a very good trainer.

sosage - 2008-12-16

These are for his sense of humility.

Hay Belly - 2008-12-16

Louis, your ribs are so nicely padded how can he hurt them?

Needs white people tag, for paying someone to beat you up.

King of Balls - 2008-12-16

The first year or so of boxing training is essentially paying someone to either beat you up himself or put you in contact with other people who will beat you up. Boxing's not really primarily a white thing, from my understanding…

King of Balls - 2008-12-16

Actually, if Louis CK in this video is any representative of white people in general, boxing is DEFINITELY not a white thing.

Hay Belly - 2008-12-16

That's why the tag. Look at his legs. Should be nowhere near the ring.

Disaster - 2008-12-16

Ouch. ouch. I love him...

frau_eva - 2008-12-16

Nothing better can ever come out of wearing a Spongebob costume.

Jeriko-1 - 2008-12-17

God, now I picture Pai Mei wearing a Sponge Bob costume.

libby1217 - 2008-12-19

5 and 5 and 5 more...Louis CK is the funniest guy....but i have to also say spongebob is awesome......so this was pretty tough for me to see CK getting his ass kicked by a sponge...and....in the air....CK? you had the advantage here.......I LOVE U CK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wanna see you live and in person *wink* if you know what i mean...

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