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I wish each user was given a special reserve of 6-star ratings.
For some reason I assumed this would have been submitted ages ago.
This is the best thing I
have possibly ever
without exception
I typically hate this genre of wacky internet video.. but wow, this was actually skillfully done.
Five stars just for the great work on those doofy vocals.
pretty funny but loses stars because this song hurts my brain
Skeletor's "myeah!" did it for me.
Every once in a while the internet proves it's worth
Any video that can make me sit through that song must be amazing...
Cartoon music videos have been done to death, but this was perfectly executed. OH HOW HE PRRRRAYSSS.
I fucking HATE the song, but you made it good, He-Man.
Now is time for cake!
Best 80's Cartoon, Mid-90's one hit wonder animation EVER. Maybe.
He-man makes anything bearable.
Fantastic editing.
Best re-cut cartoon music video I've ever seen and compulsively replayed.
Videos like this are a major reason for my lack of productivity.
two shitty things made great
All remix/mashup videos should aspire to this one.
The Skeletor part just makes it for me. Also, that gay treaded van thing. What the hell, Mattel?
I'm not entirely sure what I just saw, but I'm sure that I love it.
5 stars for sampling Erasure under the chorus.
i am not worthy
Wow. How did I miss this before?
This the The Knife Version. The original is the jose Gonzales cover, in my head at least.
Proves you can combine crap with crap and get pure gold.
This never gets old.
I love the chef.
This was uploaded like two years ago and it's still the best thing.
Unbelievably stupid and brilliant at the same time! 5 times 5 times 5 stars!
this video IS the internet
I'm going to add this to my favorites now. Just cuz.
It was the eyebrow wiggle half-way through that really won me over.
Why haven't I rated this until now?
Oh my god I never five-starred and favorited this?
neither did I. rectified now.
I can't believe it took me this long to find this video.
Whereas I thought I already rated this.
Five starring and favoriting in May 2018. Now is time for cake.
correcting an omission of stars nearly 13 years later.