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Desc:Astonishingly, that isn't a euphemism for pee shivers.
Category:Advertisements, Sports
Tags:NWA, pro wrestling, dusty rhodes, mello yello, thmerrcundweem dusty wodes
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Comment count is 10
Hooper_X - 2008-12-04

Man, was Mello Yello intentionally TRYING to be the most WT soft drink on the market or what? Between this and "Days of Thunder," it's kind of no surprise that Mello Yello got its ass kicked by Mountain Dew. MD went for the EXTREEEEM YOUTH DEMO WHO LIKE SKATEBOARDING IN AIRPLANES and Mello Yello goes after people who are perfectly happy buying DOCTOR MOUNTAIN CITRUS FLAVORED VALUE SODA.

Mike Tyson?! - 2008-12-04

Shit, is this why I like Mello Yello so much more than Mountain Dew?

Daniel Striped Tiger - 2008-12-04

Mello Yello's other spokesman was Earnest P Worrell. Niche marketing.

Vicious - 2010-10-14



themilkshark - 2008-12-04

I hope one of his sons does the new Mello Yello commercial. Hopefully "Goldust"

voodoo_pork - 2008-12-04

Mello Yello is like the redneck version of a redneck drink. It's like comparing mountain people to trailer dwellers.

UnderANeonHalo - 2008-12-04

I used to drink Mello Yello and Royal Crown all the time as a kid. FUCKIN' MOON PIES!

Dr. Venkman - 2008-12-04

eh royal crown soda isnt too bad, but mellow yellow tastes like someone drank a fuckload of pineapple soda, then pissed out back out in the same bottle hours later.

if i could add a sixth star, it would be for dusty in the begining nonchalantly wiping the mello yello can across his forehead after a hard days work, american dream indeed.

Testicles of Doom - 2008-12-06

...and that pineapple piss is delicious!

Candlejackv616 - 2009-11-24

Needs polka dots, hes somehow fatter when hes got the dots.

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