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It was actually worth sitting through all that stupidity to get to the punchline. Gabe Kaplan is my hero.
I remember watching this. I always rooted for ABC. They were the ones with that Dastardly fellow, right?
I thought they had the talking dunebuggy.
Savalas: bald, bling, shades, cig
I think this was worth it just to see Wonder Woman kiss Mr. Kotter on the cheek. Howard Cosell is the greatest sports announcer ever making this stupid argument watchable.
Make your lazy actors run.
It was all that turkey Ben Murphy's fault.
I'm a lucky guy. I just found out that was Ben Murphy.
Noooooooooo! It can't be!!
Kotter beat the nazi!!!
Jesus Christ, Bob, chill the fuck out. Signed, Epstein's Mother
wow i forgot all about this, it was so awesome to see again...GO GABE!!!