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"It's basically just like. A hunk of metal."
Stabbing bricks = 5 stars
the request search engine got snagged on the PEDO section of TORPEDO
I'm glad web videos didn't exist when I was 14.
Stars for the guy robbing them in the background.
So, yeah, it can be used in a self-defense situation cuz it's like so heavy and so pointy? Five stars for tag: "like."
Perfect review for a weapon that ridiculous. YOU CAN TAKE DOWN COYOTES
"Like, everything I stab or something?"
I can't see his eyes, but I'm assuming they are the eyes OF A KILLER
This kid, um, like needs to start refocusing on boobies. plus, -1 for not yelling at the guy in background, "GET OUT! I'M LIKE TRYING TO DO THIS AWESOME VIDEO ABOUT MY KNIFE!"
Check out the youtube comments section, its magic.