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Comment count is 8
boba. - 2008-11-16

they used to run this shitty ad all the time and it's not good enough now to be amusing or old enough now to look strange

Helena Handbasket - 2008-11-16

Says you.

Comeuppance - 2008-11-16

Ah, the 90s.

I remember my halcyon days of living in a meadow treehouse, compulsively (and redundantly) fully naming the beverage that has been forgotten by an unseen cohort, calling out the name of a basketball player whose telepathic mother relays the message without having heard any of the delegations inside said treehouse, who then delivered said beverage and floated in mid-air to make sure that his masters were pleased with his timely and friendly service.

hornung - 2008-11-16

then the mob killed his dad for his gambling debts.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-11-16

Too soon!

Cube - 2008-11-16

Were people really this naive? We've really come a long way since the early 90s, and I guess it's going to get a lot worse until it gets better.

Anyway, where's Michael, I want some cokes.

dichotic1 - 2008-11-16


Hooper_X - 2008-11-16

Needs a "magical negro" tag. Because seriously. Perhaps you can replace "comercial."

(also, wouldn't those cokes be pretty shaken up by that point?)

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