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This cartoon reveals Betty's little know Jewish roots
After all these years, this is still my favorite music video of all time.
Cab Calloway! And great animation, too.
So cartoons peaked 60 years I understand everything (Calloway is amazing)
It's not as good as anime.
But seeing as some early anime borrowed heavily from Max Fleischer, this deserves five stars. Plus, CAB FUCKING CALLOWAY. OH hey and Koko the Clown cameo! Neat!
Come on now, this is pretty great Cam.
Anime doesn't have skeletons playing cards (check the background).
Right at 7:08 is when a young M.C. Escher said, 'Hm, Figure and Background, maybe a man could play with that dichotomy, maybe do some interesting things.'
One of my favouritest cartoons in the whole wide world!