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Ow! Ow! I tried to do right by you baby! OW!
Yes. A way to torture a man is to put your lady bits on his face.
*muffle muffle* maybe i can find another place to live *muffle*
So many pros and cons to being a fetish fighting dummy.
It's SFW fetish week 52 times a year for me.
THIS GOT THROUGH THE HOPPER?! You cease to amaze me, Poetv viewers....cease to amaze me...
Oh, good lord! I work for this company. I am not in this video, but I am in others on the youtube page. My weird part-time job just showed up on Poetv. What an unexpected collision of universes.
It's only a matter of time until all of our dirty little secrets hit PoE.
You're the guy getting his balls squeezed?
i want to try and bust out some of those moves next time i get too drunk on a lawn