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Featuring the theme from Crimewatch as a surrealism magnifier
Harness the power of apocalypse. In your pants.
Will it give me a head of hair as flawless as yours? If so, consider my .95 sent.
That mullet is a thing of terror and glory.
Rick Flair Goodness.
I like the way he pronounces "herbs".
"No CODs" should be a tag
Rick Flair
I wanna know who the fat redneck dude at the end is.
Based on four frames of footage, I'm going to go ahead and say that's Th'Merricundweem, DUSTY WODE....uh... RHODES. takin' it to the paywinda on the mothasheeyup.
Ric Flair even owns John Cena. Cena is the best today, but Ric Flair is the best ever.
Cena should grow a mullet.
Cena is almost as good as Ric Flair and Flair greatly respects Cena. I'll bet Cena has a secret stash of Horsemen Vitamins to keep strong through the rigors of being a WWE superstar.
Cena's been injecting those "Horsemen vitamins" in his ass for years.
I think you mean "horse vitamins," via a "hot protein injection."
I take Honky Tonk Man vitamins exclusively