socialist_hentai - 2008-10-25
Domoooooo Hodogay desssss!
Hooper_X - 2008-10-25
God, Bob Sapp is awful. Hard Gay is a great heel, though.
Cena_mark - 2008-10-25
Gays shouldn't be allowed to wrestle for this reason. Sure it'd be cool to beat up gays without being tried for a hate crime, but the risk of getting raped is too much of a deterrent.
mr666 - 2008-10-25 Who are you kidding, Cena Mark? Being raped in the ring by a big burly man is your longest running fantasy. Why do you think John Cena has that restraining order against you?
Cena_mark - 2008-10-25 Very funny mrdicksdicksdicks. You know none of that is true. First of all I'd never wrestle a gay person, and secondly if I accidentally did wrestle one I'd kick his ass.
mr666 - 2008-10-25 Well, you'd certainly do something to his ass, but I don't think it'll involve your foot.
mr666 - 2008-10-25 P.S: To be be a good troll again you'll have to start picking better things to post idiotic comments about.
RandomFerret - 2008-10-25 I admit it, I didn't actually think he was a troll before this.
Cena, actual conservatives do not approach everything they see with the mindset "Okay, what can I say here to make sure that everybody knows how conservative I am?"
Gojira1000 - 2008-10-25 He's actually gotten lazier lately. Not even making the effort to attempt to troll effectively. It's as though something is distracting him from his under-bridge lurking duties.
Is everything all right CM? Are there problems at home you need to talk about?
B. Weed - 2008-10-25 You think Cena wants to be raped by a human? Sorry, hon, I don't think Alpo smeared in your butt-crack will work.
Spit Spingola - 2008-10-25
Hard Gay sometimes has to charge his attacks by dry humping the air.
Gojira1000 - 2008-10-25
Yes. Hard Gay, 2012!
Severian - 2008-10-25
Unfortunately this does not resolve the burning question, "Is pro wrestling the gayest thing on earth?"
yoyo1 - 2008-10-25
I don't know guys, this looks a bit fake...
also probably not the original HG actor either.
Comrade Admiral - 2008-10-26
This is basically what all wrestling looks like to me.
j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-07-02
Pie Boy - 2009-07-02
this is a boring video, even for a pro wrestling video (pro wrestling is boring) but five stars for cena mark
seriously, give him a hand folks
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