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hell yeah fucker thats how we roll!!! too many reverse swing outs and 6 count spot turns, should have done some 8 counts instead and maybe an occasional swango.
You really are a very white person.
Nice job making this sound less cool with your comment, Frank.
Swing = white people? I guess THAT'S why it was banned by the Nazis.
it was banned by the Nazis for being a dance associated with Jewish/Negro created jazz music
Hence my sarcasm.
I guess I won't rate it, but this shit is silly. I wouldn't undertake this kind of exercise for irony, and certainly not for kitsch.
What about doing it just for the fun of dancing?
Rediculous! Enjoying something un-ironically? GET OUT NOBODY GENUINELY LIKES DOING STUFF ANYMORE
Oh, disappointment. I was thinking of the other Lynndie ...
I definitely give white people a hard time, but this is approximately one billion times more awesome than krumping or clowning or whatever the fuck it is black people are doing these days.
also these battles rarely end in massive brawls or drivebys
I have a feeling that these people get infinitely more out of life than I do.