Caminante Nocturno - 2008-09-11
Let everyone else beat people up! We're going to turn the lights off and dump stage blood on them!
Cena_mark - 2008-09-11
Oh what a shitty faction. It included Edge and Christian two men who John Cena has stomped on repeatedly.
Caminante Nocturno - 2008-09-11 Yeah, but John Cena always struck me as a pretty substandard and bland wrestler.
Dull as dishwater, really.
1394 - 2008-09-11
Wait, where's the video.
HankFinch - 2008-09-11
I might've said videos belong on 73q, but there isn't even a video, and even if there was, IT'S A FUCKING WRESTLING THEME, Jesus!
mr666 - 2008-09-11
Say, whatever happened to Gangrel?
Dr. Lobotomy - 2008-09-11
One time Kane beat the crap out of them, piled them up in the middle of the ring, dumped gasoline on them and reached for a match.
Then the horde of referees ran in and stopped him.
A sad moment.
j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-09-11
Oh my god, I remember this.
Pillager - 2009-03-21 "You forget the things you most want to remember & you will always remember the thing you most want to forget."
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