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I don't know, showing it 14 times seems like a bit of overkill.
25 million stars for teaching me that high-speed replays are even better than slow motion replays.
looks more like a crosswalk to me?
needs "headbutt the world" tag
Screw the impact, show me replays of the pedaling before the crash. THAT'S where it all went wrong.
Yeah, the douching it up before the accident is truly what elevates this.
Don't stop to help. She's fine.
Crash crash crash crash Boinkboinkboinkboinkboinkboinkboinkboinkboink
The repeats actually would've netted this five stars... But god I hate putting fucking "owned emoticon" on a video. I got it. She fucked up. I don't need you to express that for me.
There is a lesson here.