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And please consider not blocking ads here. They help pay for the server. Pennies at a time. Literally.

Comment count is 7
kicklecubicle - 2006-06-13

The costumes on this show were always astronomically ugly. Look, there's Fergie!

xenocide - 2006-06-13

Holy crap that little girl was vaporized by a comet

Gurlugon - 2006-06-13

That was painful.

johnnyhamhock - 2006-06-13

When I was little I was gay enough to watch the Mickey Mouse Club, and this show pissed even me off.

baleen - 2006-06-13


stanleypain - 2006-06-13

At least there's EATS.

Caminante - 2007-02-05

Back when the Disney Channel was pay-per-view and basically impossible to justify.

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