What, did I sneak another dupe through? What was the name of the previous video: Shmackstage shmith Shmulk Shmogan Shmafter shma shmloss shmo Shmandre shme Shmiant?
Right, so for future reference, just let me get this straight... PoeTV users at one point or another arbitrarily decided that they do not like Hulk Hogan, or is just anything wrestling related? ...I just can't keep up with your awesome cosmopolitan trends!!! Help me!!! Show me the way.
I have always thought all pro wrestling is stupid, not just this one particular retard. I usually ignore the videos, but occasionally I watch them and feel obligated to rate them.
I did like the one where everyone was throwing chairs into the ring.
i hate hulk hogan with a firey passion, but im five-starring this because Andre the Giant had to be the nicest guy on the planet earth who could drink over 100 beers a night.
anyone who has ever rooted for Hogan over Andre is a big fat jerk.