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I'd watch this
Instead of screaming, the batter should have tried to take first. Dumbass!
how the hell is he going to take first without screaming
This happened to Indians pitcher John Smiley. One awesome curveball, lots of screaming, career over.
Also, Dave Dravecky. makes me wan to watch baseball though...
Why the Hell doesn't this really happen in baseball?!?
Best.....Baseball Commercial......Ever.......
I wounder what it would look like if the same guys played basketball.
Japan is just better at some things than we are.
Even the umpire is screaming
Makes even football players look like a bunch of panty wearing faggots.
Fooly cooly! Fooly cooly!!!
It's the bottom of the sixth, the bases are loaded and the pitcher's screaming...
And that's how the Deadites took the Pendent.
I like how he killed his catcher. Fuck you, catcher.
The pitcher balked before delivery. Runners advance a base, if they dare.