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Comment count is 22
Stopheles - 2006-06-07


Gurlugon - 2006-06-07

I'd watch this

I am Damo Suzuki - 2006-06-08


sudan no1 - 2006-06-08


Xiphias - 2006-06-08


Herr Matthias - 2006-06-08

Instead of screaming, the batter should have tried to take first. Dumbass!

Kapow - 2006-06-12

how the hell is he going to take first without screaming

Syd Midnight - 2006-06-12

This happened to Indians pitcher John Smiley. One awesome curveball, lots of screaming, career over.

Herr Matthias - 2007-06-04

Also, Dave Dravecky.

garcet71283 - 2006-06-21

Wow...it makes me wan to watch baseball though...

Caminante - 2006-06-24

Why the Hell doesn't this really happen in baseball?!?

judobutterfly - 2006-07-07

Best.....Baseball Commercial......Ever.......

luckymew - 2006-07-29

I wounder what it would look like if the same guys played basketball.

keinsignal - 2006-08-17

Japan is just better at some things than we are.

Mr. Quibble - 2006-09-21

Even the umpire is screaming

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2006-12-17


tamago - 2007-07-13

Makes even football players look like a bunch of panty wearing faggots.

Jeriko-1 - 2007-07-28

Fooly cooly! Fooly cooly!!!

Pie Boy - 2007-09-15

It's the bottom of the sixth, the bases are loaded and the pitcher's screaming...

MurgatroidMendelbaum - 2008-02-25

And that's how the Deadites took the Pendent.

Paranatural - 2008-08-02

I like how he killed his catcher. Fuck you, catcher.

Sphinx - 2010-09-12

The pitcher balked before delivery. Runners advance a base, if they dare.

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