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Comment count is 5
StanleyPain - 2008-07-11

To be entirely fair to this goofy looking movie, it wasn't that bad for the time, it had some decent skateboarding, and a lot of famous skaters from the time had cameos and did some of the skate stunts.
So...it wasn't a masterpiece, but it wasn't complete shit either.

Yellow Lantern - 2008-07-11

I saw this again recently. It most certainly WAS complete shit, but in an entertaining way. My favorite line was when some Vietnamese gangsters accuse Christian Slater of harassing them:

Cop: He says you called them "fucking faggot slant-eyed gooks."

Cleaner82 - 2008-07-11

Is that asian man hurt mommy?

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-07-11

This movie is incredible. Another masterpiece filmed in Orange County, just ten miles from where I grew up. It's truly one of the best worst films ever made.

SpookyElectric - 2008-07-13

"then one day his brother died." well yeah, he died as a result of being killed. extra star for the hot asphyxiation action.

Little known fact: Gleaming the Cube was remade in 1993 with a new title, Airborne.

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