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Desc:A very likeable young man teaches you how to be successful with the ladies
Category:Crime, Horror
Tags:mystery, Darwinism, pickup artist, manwhore, loathsome douchenozzle
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Comment count is 23
asian hick - 2008-07-02

I have a feeling he "lectured" at MIT the same way Gene Ray did.

Pacobird - 2008-07-03

I have this mental image of math nerds getting all excited that they can use game theory to get laid.

oswaldtheluckyrabbit - 2008-07-02

I can see why he's so popular with nerds: he makes hitting on chicks sound like some kind of RPG.


DrVital - 2008-07-02

Which is exactly what nerds need to learn so they can get out of their heads and start paying attention to other people.

FABIO2 - 2008-07-03

Next to the military, nerds and pickup artists are the biggest fans of comprehensive acronym glossaries.

waxeater - 2008-07-02

"I lectured at MIT."

"It's from ape days."

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2008-07-02

Throw a nig?

Johnny Roastbeef - 2008-07-03


TimbolinoBilchard - 2008-07-02

Why do I feel the overwhelming urge to slice this guy's face with a boxcutter? I bet it's the triangle soul patch and the black nailpolish.

Uulanbaatorbaby - 2008-07-03

I feel it to, must be "evolutionary hardwired".

Tstyle - 2008-07-02

Sociobiology has brought out the reductionist creep in every uneducated twerp.

chalk - 2008-07-02

Speaking of signals, the high ratio of women with crossed arms and crotches in this video are obviously a coincidence. Or else they're bitches.

Konversekid - 2008-07-03

Speaking with acronyms makes you that much more important than other people.

craptacular - 2008-07-03

this man speaks truths, yes, but how much are these girls being paid to sit on the couch with him and act interested ? the brunettes there don't even do that very well.
he's a douche, though.

oswaldtheluckyrabbit - 2008-07-03

Do a search for the Salon interview with this guy. It's AMAZING

waxeater - 2008-07-03

Look at me! I'm more helpful than oswald!


ztc - 2008-07-03

He's got dozens of videos, and every one makes me want to set him on fire.

He's also the inspiration for this astonishing piece of work:


Maggot Brain - 2008-07-03

I know from first hand experience that this method doesn't work if you're gay.

cognitivedissonance - 2008-07-03

It's like Glengarry Glen Ross. A Glengarry Glen Ross where everybody fucks.

Hodge - 2008-07-03

This man is an enemy to the true forced loneliness movement.

Deconvolution - 2008-07-03

Are the women sitting beside Mystery supposed to look real homely, or is this flock the product of Mystery's warped beauty standards?

SecretJunk - 2008-07-04

I would pay money to see him interact with SkyyJohn

citrusmirakel - 2008-07-04

The unbreakable logic is the best part to me.

"That's why women are attracted to me."
"I'm not attracted to you."
"Yes you are! You just don't know it."

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