Adham Nu'man - 2008-06-19
smoothbrain - 2008-06-19 Sorry dude, that one made me think of this.
Frank Rizzo - 2008-06-19
viral advertising, and a failure at that.
smoothbrain - 2008-06-19 I'm pretty sure he jumped that car you douche
smoothbrain - 2008-06-19 I'm pretty sure you're fat, racist, and get paid by the hour
Frank Rizzo - 2008-06-19 Hey Im only sort-of fat, but this video still sucks so you will just have to deal with it and move on.
so stop posting crappy videos, like half naked men in leathers and shit. That crap is lame.
Sean Robinson - 2008-06-19 He didn't jump over the car, obviously. But he did jump next to the car, higher than it, for as long as it passed.
Elite athletes are actually better at shit than you or I.
halon - 2008-06-20 I'm pretty sure that he actually jumped the car. Watch the shadow of the lamp; he's straddling it just before he jumps, and when the car is under him (:35) the shadow is pretty clearly lying across the car's door.
Still, 2 stars for nike advertisements.
positively - 2008-06-19
One starring this because he raped that one girl
SpookyElectric - 2008-06-20
fake as fuck
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