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somewhere, someone is fapping away to this
I'm scared to look at the YouTube comments for fear of seeing something like "oh man, this vid is legendary in the mpreg football fanfiction community".
If you know anything about Rex Grossman then this video doesn't surprise you at all.
Rex Grossman [is] crap[] [at] football
The close-up face at the end will now haunt me. OH GOD, HE EJECTED HIS PIGSKIN INTO MY SHIRT!
This is exactly how I remember Super Bowl 41.
Mostly for the look at the end. It's the look of resignation over an act that will end his career.
They should have just cut the first 17 seconds and given us the hot football crapping.
It's like he just gave birth.
Glitch? This is Rex Grossman we're talking about.
A sports game has a clippling glitch. Oh boy.
clipping, even
Didn't this happen during the 1985 Pro-Bowl?