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Comment count is 7
Mordant - 2008-05-31

Yeah. They look like they could use some exercise.

Still, bonus stars because their name actually is "The World Famous Pontani Sisters"

Cheese - 2008-05-31

My ex had this, Angie Pontani makes me sweat.

FatFatuousNation - 2008-05-31

How quaint. Burlesque needs to hurry up and finish dying. What was a progressive movement in the Victorian era is now tamer and more lackluster than children's programming

nocash - 2008-05-31

they're professional go-go dancers now

DrVital - 2008-05-31

These gals were part of the alternative scene in NYC around 2000 so I saw them everywhere.

I never got it.

fluffy - 2008-05-31

It took me like a dozen re-reads of the title to realize this wasn't some sort of Inspector Gadget thing.

Loses a star because I was really looking forward to some Go-Go Robotics.

bac - 2008-06-17


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