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Yeah, it'll make your ears bleed. Why is the black puppet the only one wearing DJ headgear?
That seriously rocked, now I want cake.
Down Syndrome Puppets
How can this be a proper Lazy Town video without the weird mustache guy?
Celebrate with cake
One of those puppets looks like Marv Albert.
dope rhymes
I'm more of a pie person.
I had to stop it, before I jammed a pen into my ear.
I like this song a lot more than I should, but the Stephanie-chasing pedos have ruined it for me.
I like the subtle authoritarianism inherent in telling kids that if they don't make the cake THE WAY THE BOOK SAYS, they will end up with a crappy cake. There's no room for creativity in the kitchen, kids.
Intent is personal, method is universal
It helps to have familiarity with the regular methods before you can fudge/invent new things.
I kept expecting L'il Jon to break in.