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Comment count is 10
Monchiles Monchiles - 2008-05-29

One of my favorite episodes. Honestly, even though it's one of my favorite, I can never remember the B story with Brendan.

chairsforcheap - 2008-05-29

classic episode.....but so gross....

charmlessman - 2008-05-29

Coach McGuirk is ALWAYS 5 stars. ALLLLLWAYS!!

DMKA - 2008-05-29

I must just have a shitty sense of humor, because it seems I'm the only person in the country who can't find the funny in these 1 frame per second adult swim shows.

dr_rock - 2008-05-29

I think you are correct. You are a humorless shite. Now bugger off.

Horsecock Johnson, M.D. - 2008-05-29

Yep, I'm pretty sure whatever you DO find "the funny" in is probably horrible.

Stog - 2008-05-30

The ending is what makes this so perfect.

I love you, Coach McGuirk.

Maggot Brain - 2008-05-30

I am so glad I don't remember this episode.

Camonk - 2008-05-30

Seeing it again must be like a little present.

Also, sign me up for the club that is full of people who're gonna buy the DVDs already.

DopeFiend - 2008-07-21

This one's a little too close to home. I work out a lot, but if I take more than a couple months off, or really apply myself to my drinking, my pecs descend into pendulous, womanly breasts. I've taken to calling this the McGuirk Effect.

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