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I forgot Captain EO had the power to change the Borg into backup dancers.
I saw this at Epcot in 3d twenty years ago. I still have nightmares about it.
This is what happens when you let IMAGINEERS make your movie
Why did they ever take this out for HONEY I SHRUNK THE AUDIENCE?
I remember this hammering home all of those "never talk to strangers" videos I watched as a child.
It was a fairly competent Star Wars clone...and then Michael started thrusting. Wow.
Isnt funny how MJ now looks more like that Borg-Queeny chick than Michael?
Directed by Francis Ford Coppola, Screenplay by George Lucas, Angelica Huston acts. Disney ponies up
They certainly were "ragtag." Poor Anjelica Huston only got to show her face for two seconds.
Wow. MJ has both the most retarded and most terrifying superpower ever.
He sounds like he's about to burst into full-on tears after every line.
DIRECTED BYFrancis Ford Coppola?
1 million dollars per minute of film, minute for minute, the most expensive film of all time
There have been several feature length movies in the last 10 years that have surpassed that. Off the top of my head: Titanic, Superman Returns, and Pirates 3.
also: Waterworld
Why doesn't anyone do anything like this anymore?
A Three DDD Production. That's like, nine Ds!
I found a replacement for this dead link, but it's got the video split into two parts. Is there way to ghandle this, or do I just resubmit it?
Hooter NOO!