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Comment count is 8
revdrew - 2008-05-09

When your dad is too drunk to get up, and your friends all scorn you, Playball is still there.

Gill_Sans - 2008-05-09

Lie Bot, what is the saddest thing?

chumbucket - 2008-05-09

Playball, helping kids play with themselves for over 25 years!

mouser - 2008-05-09

It's training for when he'll be a teen using "Play balls".

major-_-turnon - 2008-05-09

I keep wanting to hear the end as, "the love is not included". :'(

chalk - 2008-05-09

I actually did hear it as that. That's what the fifth star is for.

They've got these in soccer ball format now. Even the salespeople demonstrating the things look sad and lonely.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-05-09

It doesn't fully strike you how sad this is until you watch it without any sound.

Bozo - 2009-06-19

Thanks for the tip, so sad.

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