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Comment count is 10
Xiphias - 2006-05-26

"I'm totally self-conscious about that."

baleen - 2006-05-26

it's a miracle this man even has arms.

PrincessPeachesUnderpants - 2006-05-26

His biceps have asses on them

Namor - 2006-06-01

This asshole still refuses to admit that he injects synthol. You don't get like that from roids.

judobutterfly - 2006-07-08

Sympathy for the devil.

jim - 2006-09-27


Bone_Vulture - 2006-11-27

It's like some inverse anorexia. Great, your muscles look like giant tumors.

merzbau - 2006-12-25


VorpalGuy - 2007-03-15

Hey! Let's see some weightlifting, see if the drugs did any good., TumorArms!

Eroticus E - 2007-09-01

Not that anyone cares, but Synthol did this to his body, not steroids. Look it up.

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