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Happy to see this made it out of the hopper. This provided me with far too much entertainment. Needs a "Fighter Maker" tag.
Pitcher Maker for Playstation. Also: did my eyes deceive me or was one of those pitchers making a swastika?
I saw that too!! At about 1:09. SWASTIKA POWER GO!!
I think it was more of a propeller shape. With the rotating and stuff.
I thought it was doing an impression of a cartwheeling Cactrot. Also, some of these pitching sequences look like something I'd see trying to play a game of Toribash.
If this shit happened I would watch baseball again.
It is a well-known fact that the best pitchers in the world had no bones whatsoever.
it''s hypnotic.
They need to do a soccer game too.
I need to brush up on the rules, but I think thats a balk.
When I think of crazy pitcher acrobatics, I think of Japanese hard rock. This video... it's all I've ever wanted.
holy fuck! a dream come true!
atoning for sins committed elsewhere
Definitely need to test those guys for steroids.