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I am dying to know what kind of sound this made.
whooooooosh...LOOKOUT!!! brunchooooong*collective gasping*badongdongbong
A rimshot.
Needs 'no es bueno' tag.
Ay, ay, ay! No me gusta!
Needs "Hey, mexicans" tag
tambiƩn sus bolas son enormes
your spanish sucks
babel fish
Got 'em. You too, Frank, even though you can't see it. No accent mark over tambien, though. Try to link it.
From this video I deduce that the second-fiddle play-by-play guy never says anything except, "Siii, siii. Uy! NOOO NOOO!"
Well... it is Mexico so the cop was probably threatening that if the guy didn't pay him 0 then he'd rape the guy's wife and put him in prison.
it almost looks accidental...ALMOST
Where the HELL did that guy get a bass drum?
Wow, the graphics for Bad Dudes Neo are kickass!
the Bears have scored but the band is out on the field!!
There needs to be more of the "no es bueno" tag.
El Kabong brings out the big guns
My god, it looked like a one man cop avalanche.
All about the perfectly solid connection.